1. What is the belief of the church?

  • We believe there is only one true God who exist in three persons; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 
  • We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God written by Holy men under the guidance, influence, and inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe that our Lord Jesus Christ was born of the virgin Mary and lived a sinless life as a man here on earth.
  • We believe that Jesus was crucified and died on the cross for the atonement of our sin.
  • We believe in the resurrection and that Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father until His return.
  • We believe in the in the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, and in the healing power of laying on of hands.

6. How can I help in the church or use my ministry in the church?

If anyone feels they have a ministry and wants to be used of God, we encourage you to pursue the calling and wait on your ministry. (Romans 12:7) To be willing to be taught, and prove your divine calling by maintaining faithfulness in your attendance and giving to the local church. This includes the Wednesday night services as well as the Sunday morning services. Jesus said that if we are not faithful in the little, we won’t be faithful in the big.